Maura’s Blog

July 14, 2024

Third Quarter 2024

Hello Friends and welcome to the hottest, dryest summer ever! Let’s GO! Mayor Finley Updates July 1st to 14th Good Sunday Evening, I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend and […]
April 5, 2024

Second Quarter 2024

Hello friends and welcome to spring. The season of sneezes and pollen. We’ve been busy, let’s get to it! Mayor Finley’s Updates March 25th to April 7 Since my last […]
January 9, 2024

First Quarter 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing holiday with family and friends. And now it’s back to work! ReadyFest 2024 Our first event of the year […]
October 4, 2023

Fourth Quarter 2023

Happy Fall friends! It’s hard to believe we are starting the fourth quarter of the year. 2023 has flown at warp speed! Speaking of speed….Did you know that you can […]
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